NANOOS Apr21 *
SG249 *
Dive index
* Mission links
Dive [617, 618] failed to process completely.
File /home/seaglider/sg249/sg0617dz.r was not processed completely
- Fragment /home/seaglider/sg249/sg0617dz.x01 file size (8191) not equal to expected size (8192) - consider resend_dive /d 617 1
- Fragment /home/seaglider/sg249/sg0617dz.x04 file size (8191) not equal to expected size (8192) - consider resend_dive /d 617 4
Glider logout not seen - retransmissions from glider possible
File /home/seaglider/sg249/sg0618kz.r was not processed completely
- Fragment /home/seaglider/sg249/sg0618kz.x00 file size (5607) not equal to expected size (8192) - consider resend_dive /c 618 0
Glider logout not seen - retransmissions from glider possible
- WARNING: 4 timeout(s) seen in /home/seaglider/sg249/sg0618du.r
Consult baselog_210927113814 for details