PortSusan 05Sep07 * SG128 * Dive index * Mission links * Dive 897 * Raw log
prev dive * next dive * dive
• Previous call tries 1 • 84.13 of 150.00 AH used of 24V (43.91% remains)
• Previous NAKs 0, Timeouts 0 • 39.71 of 100.00 AH used of 10V (60.29% remains)
• Surface angle -66.9 deg, depth 2.34 m • Intended pitch -23.0 deg, speed -13.333 cm/s
• No surface pump (final VBD was 514.15, SM_CC=514.1488)
• GPS1 time: 12 s • bottom range 43.3 m at 79.0 m, depth 122 m (103 m grid)
• GPS2 time: 14 s • Transponder ping count: 1
• Time spent turning 0 s

Statistics * Plot
t(s) depth(m) w(cm/s) num pts t(s) GC phase pitch roll VBD pit rol VBD volts
ctl(cm) t(s) A pos(AD) rate t(s) A pos(AD) rate ctl(cc) t(s) A pos(AD) rate eff r e r e r e pitrollvbd flags
32 end surface: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
32 begin dive
37 - - - 88 VBD -1.46 - - 23 - - - 2352 - -146.6 -48.12 - 1536 - - - - - - - - - - -
93 3.3 -2.5 9 144 done -1.46 9.32 0.206 2307 245.1 - - 2352 - -146.6 -38.22 - 2899 -35.7 - - - - - - - - - -
215 17.9 -15.8 30 221 done -1.46 - - 2307 - - - 2352 - -146.6 - - 2902 - - - - - - - - - - -
292 31.1 -16.6 43 298 roll -1.46 - - 2307 - 2.22 0.033 968 -623.4 -146.6 - - 2902 - - - - - - - - - - -
419 52.1 -16.4 64 423 done -1.46 - - 2299 - 2.25 0.033 2365 620.9 -146.6 - - 2902 - - - - - - - - - - -
735 begin apogee
746 103.5 16.2 93 863 done -0.28 1.30 0.133 2684 296.2 - - 2182 - - 113.68 0.725 2300 -5.3 0.077 - - - - - - - - -
864 end apogee: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
864 begin climb
869 109.9 - 105 986 done 1.46 1.70 0.077 3242 328.2 - - 2183 - 146.6 112.38 0.683 1702 -5.3 0.087 - - - - - - - - -
1303 52.1 14.8 146 1305 done 1.46 - - 3242 - - - 2182 - 146.6 - - 1700 - - - - - - - - - - -
1640 7.6 11.1 204 1674 roll 1.50 - - 3252 - 2.22 0.036 823 -612.2 183.2 28.30 0.717 1552 -5.2 0.006 - - - - - - - - -
1701 4.1 1.7 214 1855 done 1.74 0.25 0.051 3353 404.0 2.22 0.031 2211 625.2 373.9 143.35 0.634 773 -5.4 0.004 - - - - - - - - -
1931 2.1 0.7 254 1939 VBD 1.99 0.15 0.060 3424 473.3 - - 2210 - 581.3 5.60 0.604 725 -8.6 0.003 - - - - - - - - -
1940 begin surface coast
2104 end surface coast: NO_VERTICAL_VELOCITY
2104 begin surface
SM 2.38 - - - - -8.66 - - 10 - - - 2348 - 514.15 75.05 0.648 203 -7.0 0.003 - - - - - -