== cmdfile.9 ==
== pdoscmds.bat.9 ==
resend_dive /l 7
== FLASH.9 ==
10142.538,SSURF,N,Executing commands in pdoscmds.bat
Executing 'resend_dive /l 7'...
Compressing A0180007.LOG to Y0180007.LOG...
10147.450,HCF8,N,file 'Y0180007.L00' opened...
10147.621,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0180007.L00
10147.831,HCF8,N,block 0 written...
10148.015,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0180007.L00
10148.209,HCF8,N,block 1 written...
10148.356,HCF8,N,writing 742 bytes to Y0180007.L00
10148.483,HCF8,N,block 2 written...
10148.587,HCF8,N,partial file 'Y0180007.L00' closed.
Succeeded in 6.77 secs
10149.875,SSURF,N,finished commands
10150.020,SSYS,N,Changing capture file