== cmdfile.522 ==
== pdoscmds.bat.522 ==
resend_dive /l 486 0
resend_dive /l 433 0
== FLASH.522 ==
14653.272,SSURF,N,Executing commands in pdoscmds.bat
Executing 'resend_dive /l 486 0'...
Compressing A1020486.LOG to Y1020486.LOG...
14676.505,HCF8,N,file 'Y1020486.L00' opened...
14676.565,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y1020486.L00
14676.675,HCF8,N,block 0 written...
14676.728,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y1020486.L00
14676.804,HCF8,N,block 1 written...
14676.857,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y1020486.L00
14676.933,HCF8,N,block 2 written...
14676.984,HCF8,N,writing 129 bytes to Y1020486.L00
14677.055,HCF8,N,block 3 written...
14677.102,HCF8,N,partial file 'Y1020486.L00' closed.
Succeeded in 29.22 secs
Executing 'resend_dive /l 433 0'...
Compressing A1020433.LOG to Y1020433.LOG...
14705.976,HCF8,N,file 'Y1020433.L00' opened...
14706.036,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y1020433.L00
14706.145,HCF8,N,block 0 written...
14706.198,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y1020433.L00
14706.274,HCF8,N,block 1 written...
14706.327,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y1020433.L00
14706.403,HCF8,N,block 2 written...
14706.455,HCF8,N,writing 333 bytes to Y1020433.L00
14706.525,HCF8,N,block 3 written...
14706.573,HCF8,N,partial file 'Y1020433.L00' closed.
Succeeded in 29.44 secs
14713.024,SSURF,N,finished commands
14713.079,SSYS,N,Changing capture file