== cmdfile.363 ==
== pdoscmds.bat.363 ==
resend_dive /d 297 1
resend_dive /l 333 0
== FLASH.363 ==
28593.444,SSURF,N,Executing commands in pdoscmds.bat
Executing 'resend_dive /d 297 1'...
Compressing A0050297.DSC to Y0050297.DSC...
28617.060,HCF8,N,file 'Y0050297.D00' skipped...
28617.210,HCF8,N,file 'Y0050297.D01' opened...
28617.270,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0050297.D01
28617.349,HCF8,N,block 4 written...
28617.403,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0050297.D01
28617.478,HCF8,N,block 5 written...
28617.534,HCF8,N,writing 700 bytes to Y0050297.D01
28617.605,HCF8,N,block 6 written...
28617.653,HCF8,N,partial file 'Y0050297.D01' closed.
Succeeded in 28.18 secs
Executing 'resend_dive /l 333 0'...
Compressing A0050333.LOG to Y0050333.LOG...
28643.147,HCF8,N,file 'Y0050333.L00' opened...
28643.208,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0050333.L00
28643.287,HCF8,N,block 0 written...
28643.340,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0050333.L00
28643.416,HCF8,N,block 1 written...
28643.469,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0050333.L00
28643.545,HCF8,N,block 2 written...
28643.599,HCF8,N,writing 1024 bytes to Y0050333.L00
28643.674,HCF8,N,block 3 written...
28643.731,HCF8,N,file 'Y0050333.L00' has 4 KB, closed...
Succeeded in 26.01 secs
28648.582,SSURF,N,finished commands
28648.638,SSYS,N,Changing capture file