Recent ONR-funded investigations have focused on
regions bounded by progressively more complex topography (e.g. Arabian
Sea, Japan/East Sea and Adriatic Sea) where orographic effects produce
intense, small-scale atmospheric forcing. Small-scale wind- and
buoyancy-forcing, combined with riverine input, complex bathymetry and
proximity to the coastal boundary, support a wide variety of energetic
fronts, filaments and eddies. These features have short temporal and
spatial scales and can play critical roles in governing basin-scale
circulation, cross-shelf transport, watermass transformation and
subduction. Two cruises in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea
conducted quasi-synoptic, three-dimensional surveys of mesocale and
submesoscale physical and optical variability, following their response
to strong forcing events. During winter (February), sampling emphasized
the response to episodic Bora wind events. Although springtime (May)
measurement program was designed to sample during the Po River spring
freshette, freshwater discharge rates were more than a standard
deviation below the 12-year mean and winds remained weak throughout the
survey period, leading to a study of weakly forced dynamics in a
strongly stratified, shallow water regime.